Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks
Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks
Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks

Diet And Sexual Performance

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that what we put into our bodies affects how our bodies perform. That performance extends to how we work, how we sleep, how we play and even how we have sex. But how much does our every day diet really affect our ability to not only have sex but our ability to enjoy it?

The connection between food and sex has always been suspected, although you could ask 100 men what foods are aphrodisiacs, and you might get 100 different answers. But there really is no question at all that what we eat and how much we eat can have a direct impact on not only our desire to have sex, but our ability to enjoy it. First off, how many of us have had a week or so that was filled with stress and poor diet, only to come down with a cold or a flu soon after. How much of a sex drive do you have when you’re sick? For most people, the answer is none whatsoever. The connection between body health and sexual health is clear. But even people who eat a less than perfect diet still desire and even enjoy sex, the question is, how much more would you desire sex and how much better of a performance would you be able to give if you snacked on carrots and salad instead of Twinkies and cheeseburgers?

It isn’t known exactly how much less of a sex drive an obese person has over a person deemed to be healthy, but there are a few tell tale signs that the more overweight you are, the less you are going to enjoy your sex life. First, one result of obesity is a decrease in blood circulation throughout the body due to the fact that you suddenly have a lot more body for your blood to circulate through and the fact that plaque-like build ups can form in the veins and throughout the body. It is these plaque-like formations that lead to heart attacks or strokes later in life. A lack of powerful blood circulation can lead to a delay or a complete inability to become aroused when the time comes. Obesity has also been linked to things like erectile dysfunction and even an overall loss of testosterone in the body.

We all know how important eating right is to our daily lives. We heard our mothers admonish us as kids but we never really took it that seriously. But when you realize the impact diet has on our sex life, you might want to think twice about ordering that dessert.