Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks
Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks
Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks

Premature Ejaculation


Premature ejaculation affects around 25% to 40% of men. It is characterized by a lack of control over ejaculation, and is the most common sexual problem in men. A man is considered to have premature ejaculation if he experiences a loss of control of ejaculation often. If this affects him emotionally, or affects the closeness with his partner, his doctor may recommend treatment.

There is research that supports the theory that premature ejaculation could be genetic in some cases. In a recent study, researchers found that 91% of men who suffer from long-term premature ejaculation have at least one close relative who also suffers from this condition. This may show that premature ejaculation could be caused, in some, cases by genetics. If you seek treatment for premature ejaculation, your doctor may ask about family history. Your answers can help him narrow down the cause of your particular condition.

There are also other things that may contribute to premature ejaculation. There are some psychological factors which may come into play here. Men who are stressed out, or worried a lot over financial matters, work, or their relationship can suffer more from premature ejaculation than men who are not. Another reason may be a ‘fear of performance,’ or a lack of confidence.

There are certain studies that show that men who suffer from premature ejaculation may just have faster responses in the pelvic regions from the neurological centers. Some physical conditions such as Prostate infection may also cause premature ejaculation. This condition can be the cause of many problems, such as relationship issues, or self esteem issues. A man who suffers from premature ejaculation may feel that something is wrong with him, or may create distance between him and his spouse. He may refuse to be close to her for fear of being embarrassed or ashamed. If premature ejaculation is bothering the individual, or creating problems, his doctor may recommend several different treatments.
One type of treatment that may be recommended is a type of ‘numbing cream.’ This kind of cream desensitizes the genital area and results in a slower response during intercourse, however, this can also cause desensitization in the partner. If choosing an enhancement lotion to sooth overstimulation be sure to choose one that is quickly absorbed by the skin to reduce the chance of desensitizing your partner.  There are prescription medications which may be utilized to control premature ejaculation as well. Some of these may include anti-anxiety medications for an individual who suffers from a lack of confidence or anxiety.

This goes also for men who may have neurological issues that cause premature ejaculation. Medications that may be prescribed for this include serotonin inhibitors, such as sertraline or paroxetine. There are also a number of alternative herbal supplements that work to naturally ease the symptoms of premature ejaculation. Working with his doctor, a sufferer of premature ejaculation can decide what is best for his specific type of premature ejaculation. It is important to try and determine what causes this condition in the individual, so that a proper treatment can be started. If premature ejaculation is caused by a medical condition, it is possible to stop the medications as soon as the individual is healthy, and able to control his ejaculation.