Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks
Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks
Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks

Dry Orgasm

If you are reaching climax, but do not have any ejaculate than there is a good chance that you are suffering from retrograde ejaculation, also known as dry orgasm. Retrograde ejaculation will cause your ejaculation to go into your bladder instead of coming out of your penis. This is neither dangerous nor painful, but it will make it difficult if you are trying to have a baby.

There are many things that can cause retrograde ejaculations and certain medication that you may be taking is the most common cause. But there are others, such as some health conditions, and prostate surgery.

Let’s take a look at some signs of retrograde ejaculation;

The first clear sign is going to be a dry orgasm. If you have no ejaculation when you climax this is a dry orgasm. Another sign is after you climax and you urinate, your urine is going to be cloudy. It is cloudy because of the semen that went into your bladder and it is now mixed in with your urine.

As I mentioned earlier this is not dangerous nor is it painful, but the there is a downside to retrograde ejaculation and this is the fact that you will have trouble having a baby.

Retrograde ejaculation can be treated in most cases. If it is due to medications that you are taking all you will need to do is change the medication. But if it is caused by health conditions, such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis than there is not going to be much that you can do.
Everything about your sexual experience is going to remain the same. You still have the ability to get an erection and you are still able to climax. The only difference is that you are not going to ejaculate out through your penis. Some men are actually glad to have retrograde ejaculation because it has been called a man’s natural birth control.