Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks
Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks
Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks



There’s this myth that if you are an adult male and get mumps, your fertility is in danger. It’s supposed to be because of an inflammation of the testicles, called Orchitis. Orchitis is caused by the virus that causes mumps. However, loss of fertility from Orchitis is a rare phenomena rather than the norm. Orchitis could also be caused by bacteria or sexually transmitted disease.

The typical symptoms of Orchitis are Fever and nausea along with pain, discharge from the penis, blood in semen and swelling of the testicles. When you go to a doctor with symptoms of Orchitis, he will conduct a physical examination. He may do a rectal examination as well. He will order blood and urine tests. Additional tests he may order to know the extent of infection in case of Orchitis. These tests are STD screening, Ultrasound imaging and Nuclear scan of the testicles, where a radioactive material is injected into the body and special cameras then can figure out areas of testicles that are receiving blood flow and areas that aren’t.

Treatment path for Orchitis depends on the underlying cause. If Orchitis has occurred because of a viral infection, like the type connected with mumps, you doctor will advise lots of rest and prescribe anti inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen. Essentially, he will be treating the symptoms. A lot of bed rest with the scrotum raised (with a towel or something similar) and cold pack application to the scrotum area are also recommended.

In case the tests show that Orchitis is because of bacterial infection, you will be given antibiotic medication. The drugs generally used to treat Orchitis are ciprofloxacin, doxycycline and ceftriaxone.

The best treatment for Orchitis is obviously is not to have it at all. Getting immunized against mumps should be a priority to avoid getting infected with Orchitis.