Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks
Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks
Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks

Over Active Bladder


An overactive bladder is a very common condition for men over the age of 65. In many cases, an overactive bladder is the result of an enlarged prostrate. An enlarged prostrate is not symptomatic of prostate cancer. Most men who suffer from an over active bladder do not go on to develop prostate cancer.

Symptoms of an over active bladder includes the following:

  • Having a sudden urge to go right away
  • Waking up in the middle of the night to urinate frequently
  • Having to urinate frequently throughout the day

In most cases, an overactive bladder is not the sign of any serious illness, but merely a sign of getting older. Unfortunately, having an overactive bladder can impede your daily activities. Many men with an overactive bladder find themselves unable to enjoy daily activities such as golf because they are always worried about going to the bathroom.

People who suffer from an over active bladder find themselves planning their day around going to the bathroom and shy away from places where there are no bathroom facilities. This can have negative consequences on the quality of life for those with this condition.

Natural herbal supplements have been shown to be effective at helping control an overactive bladder. Many male enhancement pills contain ingredients that have been used for centuries to promote both prostrate and bladder health.

In addition to taking male enhancement supplements, a man can also help control his over active bladder by practicing kegel exercises. Kegel exercises concentrate on the pelvic muscles and allow a person to have better control over those muscles.

Having an over active bladder can be frustrating and can make life difficult. Try to use natural supplements and male sexual health exercises before resorting to prescription medications that may have side effects to treat this very common condition.